Monday, February 16, 2009

SideSplitteres Featuerd on T-Shirt Legends

This past week, SideSplitters was lucky enough to be featured on the T-Shirt Legends blog. There's a link to our store, as well as a small blurb by me, the shopkeeper that should be coming soon.

I wanted to point this blog out to other CafePress shopkeepers. Links have enormous importance to the success of your shop. If you don't have inward links to your shop, your long term success is very limited. The great part of this blog is that it's a free way to get out there and tell the world a little bit more about your t-shirt store, and what makes it unique.

You can visit the home page of T-Shirt Legends here and see all of the posts, as well as submit your own blurb if you're a fellow CP shopkeeper.

By the way, are you using Squidoo to promote your CafePress items? This is another place that will help get your work out to the masses and showcase it so it looks great. It also has a PageRank of 8! If you're not using it, you're missing out, plain and simple.

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